Sunday, February 20, 2011


True Blood Opening Sequence Segmentation/Analysis

So partly because of different schedules for everyone, partly just because I have too much time on my hands, I thought I'd open this forum for discussion of class-related issues, examples, etc. that extend and clarify the things we're talking about in class.

To that end, I've included below my segmentation and shot breakdown of the True Blood intro (you can see how extensive semioptic analysis gets) along with my analysis below the table. See what you think, feel free to disagree with me.

As Seiter said in the semiotics readings, perhaps the main point of the method is to fource us to slow down and take the content seriouskly: it's easy to make generalizations aobut TV content, but often when we look more closely, those generalizations are belied by the texts themselves!

Shot #




Catfish in swamp


tilt-up; MS water, weeds in bayou


Dissolve to CU of crocodile head (alive?); tilt-up


Truck forward through reeds, bight sun


Truck R-L past shack on stilts in swamp


LS, dusk, rural highway

When you came in


Low-angle LS of gothic house

the air


Quick flash: naked white bodies, black background


Truck L-R past squalid homes

went out.


Low-angle MCU black female gospel singers clapping


Truck L-R past dilapidated “Lucky Liquor” store

And every


Found footage, B&W, protestor dragged off by police



Found footage, bystanders looking at camera; all white men in white dress shirts

filled up


Truck L-R past cemetery (out of focus)

with doubt.


White woman from back on bed wearing black lingerie


CU coiled rattle snake uncoils and strikes, R-L on screen

I don't know who you


MS green sedan mired in swamp; jump cut

think you are,


LS B&W photo of klansmen; cut to CU of child in klan hood

But before the night


Forties white man in baseball hat rocking in chair, bayou in background

is through,


Two-shot, white boys, home-movie quality; jump-cut, one boy in front; jump-cut CU boy eating strawberry, red juice on lips, XCU licking lips

I wanna do bad things with you.


Crocodile head bone dangling from string on porch


DFX; tissue-paper-like, crimson, crinkled




Quick cut, naked white body, black background


Boy in shadows exists house door, crosses to the right

I'm the kind to


White woman’s bare torso with green glowstick bracelet, dancing

sit up


CU dead opossum on road at night, camera pulls back (handheld)

in his room.


Trucking shot, L-R, marquis at night “God Hates Fangs,” reveal car, driver


XLS warehouse (business? Home? Diner?) at night, truck R-L

Heart sick an' eyes filled


MLS, woman in bar, red, backless shirt & jean shirts jumps on man, man caresses buttocks

up with blue.


Quick cut, naked white body, black background


MLS, man’s back, woman’s leg wrapped around, lying on pool table


Two-shot, men in bar, one with backward baseball cap leans arms against wall near other, camera pans/trucks L-R


Quick cut, naked white body on black background


LS moon coming out from behind the clouds.


MLS woman in white shirt, jeans, standing backwards in front of man with baseball cap, grinding against him

I don't know what you've done


Low angle close-up, same couple in two shot, red lighting

to me,


Quick cut, green neon, naked white body against black background, blue neon on black


EST shot, small church congregation, all black, minister jumping in air, turning

But I know this much is true:


Jump-cut, medium 3-shot of parishioners shouting, cross in background


CU church steeple at night, cross in center


Naked white bodies, black background (several fast cuts)


CU Same steeple, upside down


CU woman’s face in red light, low angle (same woman as in #36?)


Naked white bodies, black background (several fast cuts); clear shots of breasts, torsos


Two-shot, two white women praying fervently, wearing name tags (Church of Jesus), wind blowing their hair



Woman from #44 on floor of bar, grinding

wanna do bad


Venus fly trap eating frog

things with you.


Quick cut, burning cross at night


CU dead dog, decomposing in time-lapse with maggot


INT Bar: man from #36 in MLS pushes another man backwards


Fast collage: crosses, naked bodies, neon lights


MCU, white male preacher “laying hands” on black female parishioner, falls backward


CU: something (animal? bat?) being born/emerging from cocoon.


INT Church: black woman shaking, black man and woman holding her


LS dancing woman in bar, from behind


XCU red lips, white skin woman’s mouth inhaling smoke


DFX: crimson tissue paper-like with “True Blood” on it wrinkles, disappears, reveals white background, reappears seemingly filled with red fluid.


INT Bar: two shot, woman pushes another woman back, seemingly erotically


EXT water at night, three people in LS, two white men, one woman, men baptize woman; intercut briefly by True Blood DFX


Woman emerges ecstatic, falls forward

I wanna do real bad things with you.


Quick cut of naked white bodies on black background


EXT shot of coffin, graveyard in daytime, out of focus


Low-angle MCU of woman from #44 dancing in bar with red lighting.

We certainly get the idea of something lurking, stalking; first it emerges from the bayou, then comes into the city, passed dilapidated homes and buildings. All of the location shots throughout the open suggest collapse, decay. Quite early in the sequence, we get the quick cut of naked white bodies, almost subliminal, which recurs throughout the sequence. Together with this opening sequence, this subliminal shot suggest repression, and repression that in some way is linked to social decay. The link between all of the images throughout the sequence and social collapse or decay is signaled by the fact that most sequences end with such location shots; these are also the shots where the music tends to be calmest, giving these images a sense of stasis in a cacophony of images.

Throughout the remainder of the opening sequence, we get a clearer idea of what forms this repression takes: not only sexual, but also political and social. Found footage of civil rights protests and the marquis sign “God Hates Fangs” all give us this sense. In addition to signaling one of the main plot developments of the series—the struggle for vampire civil right—these images work to expand the notion of repression to one of simple sexual repression—as suggested by the “subliminal” sex intercuts—to a much broader sense of repression.

What are the causes and consequences of repression? Much of the logic of the sequence progresses through contrasting images, in fairly straightforward ways, with the soundtrack occasionally underscoring the contrast. In segment 10, for instance, sex scenes and religious scenes are consistently juxtaposed, with fast set of edits featuring a silhouette of a church steeple, a series of naked bodies, and the same steeple unpside-down in reverse. Pretty unmistakable imagery. It seems, then, primarily to be institutions—first, the church, but also the police—that cause repression, not so much other people. This is most obvious in shot 61, where the imagery is one of baptism, but the words on the audio are the sexually suggestive refrain, “I wanna do bad things to you.”

In fact, the sequence seems to set up a pretty clear dichotomy between natural urges or processes (shots 48, 50, 54) and their unnatural repression. This goes back to the initial segment, where the repressed rises from the swamp, and extend to shots 18-20, which seem to tell the story of a young boy who grew to be a messed up man because of racism ( racialized political repression). So this, I would argue, will be one of the main themes of the series as a whole: the attempt to repress natural urges and their irrepressibility. This is also the larger argument of the sequence as a whole: that one’s natural proclivities cannot (or should not) be repressed, or they lead to a whole range of individual and social ills; moreover, it is social institutions that repress our natures, and so those institutions cause the very problems they are designed to prevent.

Thank you so much for your effort.
I am writing my Thesis on the True Blood Title...

This helps a lot!!!
First scene is not a catfish, but a salamander.
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