Thursday, March 12, 2015


Opening analysis of Nikita, season 3

By  Ling Qi
Nikita season 3   

Video (content, camera work, color)
Nikita walks from a high-tech background in the division, her image is not clear, Michael stands behind; long shot; dark, blue

Nikita outside the division in an open space, in black suite, her side face clear; close shot; grey and white

A screen of high-tech computer in the division, with the target person and relevant data on it; dark, blue

Nikita aims the gun at unknown target; mid

The muzzle; close shot

A woman in pink coat (Alex?) walks front, with a bunch of men in black suite behind her, in lighted parking lot? Color turns from colored to grey

A man (The head of division ) stands in the division, with the hacker, Birkhoff, sitting behind, and a woman standing on the left with her back to the screen

Nikita hiding besides a container, in fight

In a dock, the target seen through optical sight

Similar to the 1st shot, Nikita in the division, but the image is relatively clearer

In the division, the head of division, Nikita, Michael (Nikita’s partner), the hacker, Birkhoff, walking in the midst of programmers
Lyric: like a backbone, I hold my own
Nikita in fight, with a gun at hand, hiding, moving in a corridor where there is no one, prepare to fight
Lyric: like a backbone, I hold my own
Nikita climbs a rope down to somewhere underground, maybe the sewer?
Lyric: like a backbone, I hold my own
Nikita in fight, hiding, prepare to fight, in black suite; colors turns from grey to lighted color
Lyric: like a backbone, I hold my own
Similar to the 1st shot, Nikita in the division, she walks closer, colored, lighted,

Nikita takes off her glass, colored, lighted

Nikita enters into a white car, in casual suite

The car drives away, several ordinary women watch it as it leaves

NIKITA, name of the show

Nikita hiding besides a big container, similar to #8, but moving this time

Nikita on the right, the name of the actress, Maggie Q shows up

Clearer, Nikita on the right, two headshots on the left, images are clear

Nikita moving fast, in fight

Michael is arrested by someone, actor’s name shows, vague image on the right

Michael’s image on the right gets clearer,  with a headshot on the left, images are clear

Nikita and Michael kiss in front of a fountain in a public space in a metropolitan city, with people around  

A man (who?) with a gun, mid shot

Close shot of the man

Alex, the quasi-Nikita girl, aims her handgun at the target, in public space

Alex takes off her glass, a clear headshot of her in the up right corner, the #29 in the down left, vague

Nikita fires a shot                                    

The targeted man falls down

Nikita comes down through roof window of a car, aiming at someone

Birkhoff, the hacker

Birkhoff, with headshots on left and right, images are clear

gun shot

Nikita shuns the bullet

Nikita running away fast in the midst of ruined bricks and fence

Alex fires gun shot in wooden fence

A man (Sean?) walks in

Sean, the head of Division, headshot and actor name

Michael is brought down by masked enemy (who?)

Nikita aims her gun

Two men fighting, one man seems to be from the Division since he is in black suite, the other dresses like a terrorist from a poor area

Ryan, the former CIA agent, later becomes  the  head of the Division, turns around

Ryan, headshots on left and right, images are clear

Nikita moving fast, similar to #23

Nikita jumps from high wall in a seemingly deserted building, in fight

Two men fighting, a man from the Division and a barbaric man

Michael fires a gun

Amanda, the former mentor but now enemy of Nikita and Alex,  a former head of Division

Close shot of Amanda, headshot and actress name shown

Nikita? is kicked out of buildingc

Nikita and Alex dress in suite, walking confidently in Division

Michael fires his gun

Alex aims her gun, similar to a previous shot

Owen Elliot, a former Division cleaner and Guardian and Alex's lover, headshot and actor’s name

Michael aims his gun, in fight with a group of people

Nikita aims her gun behind a wall

A car explodes

Nikita shuns the explosion

Nikita aims her gun, with rage



Generally speaking, from the opening credits, it can be easily recognized as an action drama led by a female protagonist since a large proportion of shots are given to her. The overall pace of the opening is highly intense – averagely two shots per second, which speaks to the themes of the show, such as gun fights and physical battles.

There is a series of contradictions of signs, though admittedly the line is not that neat sometimes. For instances, people in suits VS. people in less formal clothes; individual agents VS. collective enemies; advanced digital technology VS. physical force; and high-tech space VS. less inhabited/civilized space. In shot #7, which is an early one, a man in suit stands in the high-tech space where the female protagonist also belongs to (evidenced in shot #11), and he is positioned in the middle of the image. This indicates that the man is an important character – he is the 3rd character who appears immediately after two female characters in the sequence, and he holds high position on the good side. The leading female character, often dressed in streamlined outfit, is often shown cautiously hiding, calculating the best opportunity to fire the gun, and adroitly moving on her own. In contrast, those unknowable enemies, though not given substantial shots, are represented as dressed in a nasty, casual style, appear in groups, and mainly use forcible weapons rather than computer programs. The general pattern here is, civility, individuality and technology are associated with the leading characters of the good side, while the opposite, that is, incivility, collectiveness, and cumbersome physicality, are associated with the characters of the bad side. Such pattern of sign connections naturalizes the capitalist order as inherently more civilized and intelligent and underpinned by individualism, and juxtaposes it to the de-individualized, less civilized entities who rely mainly on physical power rather than brain/technology.

Space and boundary politics can also be identified in sign contradictions. The fighting usually take place in a non-civilized, no-human, non-livable space such as the underground sewage system (#13), the deserted building (#57), the ruined bricks (#38), the fence (#38, #39), the dock (#9); while the kiss of the leading couple takes place in a metropolitan space defined by modernist buildings and lively people (#26). To execute her tasks – tasks that seem to be, and can be inferred as of superior morality to those of the enemies’, the female protagonists often need to intervene into those places that are anything but modernist (the high-tech base of the organization that she belongs to, the metropolitan city, etc.). The border separates these two types of space is probably the state. Admittedly, the sign of the state is not self-obvious, but we can speculate from the above shots to certain extent. For instance, the dock in shot #9 is a sign of international trade, and the dock seems to be in China. Also, the non-modernist signs, such as the fence, the ruined bricks, the deserted corridor, the underground sewage system, seem to somewhat suggestive of terrorism. Plus, the tasks that the characters participate in seem to involve rather high interest conflicts – otherwise they won’t have abundant powerful weapons and a secret high-tech base. Based on these signs, I suppose that the narrative would involve state boundary work that juxtaposes the modernist capitalist society and its opposite. Meanwhile, it is true that sometimes, the battle field is in modernist metropolitan cities, but there is no sufficient evidences to give more speculation about it at this point.

The opening indicates that this series highlights female power. The two leading female characters are shown before other male characters in sequence. The leading female character is portrayed as possessing both physical adroitness, weapons, and a secret high technology team behind her. The first sentence of the music lyric “like a backbone, I hold my own” accompanies a sequence of shots featuring the female protagonist in both streamlined fighting suit and casual, more feminized clothes, thus making a balance between the genres of action drama and women’s genre. There are significantly more shots showing the females, particularly the leading character, firing shots than of showing males’ fighting capability. Also, male power is downplayed. For instance, the leading male character is shown as being physically controlled by the enemies twice in the opening credit (Shot #24, #51). In traditional narrative of romance, the male protagonist is supposed to be the rescuer and the protector of the female protagonist, but here, such positioning seems to be destabilized. It is interesting that the powerful female protagonist is not paired with the man possessing superior power - the man in suit appearing in the center among other leading characters in their secrete underground base (shot #7). He is the core of the organization, and the female protagonist is subordinate to him in rank. This suggests that this is a television series touting female power, destabilizing the “strong men, weak women” notion, but the highest position still belongs to a man who represents the U.S., middle or upper class interest.  

To sum up, the semiotic analysis seems to suggest that this is a story about a “daughter” of American capitalism, who also bears feminist pleasure, fighting against its opposite – those collective, less civilized entities and ideologies, in the name of justice. 

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